Monday, March 3, 2014

March 3,2014
The Health of all of us in the hands of the F.D.A, Big Pharmaceuticals, and Agribusiness/Food Industry.  Do you feel safe?

          If you or your love ones experience pain, difficulty breathing or moving, memory loss (forgetfulness) anything out of your ordinary look at what you have been eating,drinking,or both along with seeking your health care provider's evaluation.  The F.D.A (Food and Drug Administration) is not the watchdog it has been touted to be but rather a rubber stamp for big pharmaceutical and food industries leaving the consumer to fend for themselves and clueless. The approval of this super opioid that is stronger than Vicodin over it's own review board's opposition is evidence enough for me.  Drug companies should not be allow to do their own testing and research of  a new drug or product there need to be independent testers who have no invested interest or profit to gain. The New gives a very good informative blog as to what happened around this very dangerous drug being released in to the market.  Look at the article for yourself
      There seems to be an outright attack on food, supplements, and medicines just to note a few.  Case in point the past several weeks I sent my husband to get some vitamins for me and I requested "Nature Made Women's Pack" which had proved to be very effective in helping me in the past with major bouts of illness.  Well they have ceased to make them and what they do have now is so watered down it is not as effective.  One of the major changes is the trace minerals and elements are out that have shown to be essential in cellular health and overall health of the whole person.  When I called the young person with the Valley Girl accent said one should get the trace minerals and elements from food, but it was cheaper to buy the individual bottles of minerals ($16.00 for a thirty day supply that includes all in the now discontinued Women's pack or ten or more individual bottles average price $5.00 each.  Math was not her strong point).  I tried to tell her that was not realistic because many do not have access to all those foods and the foods may have been grown in soils depleted in the needed nutrients and/ or processed so bad they have no real nutritional value.
   The use of artificial sweeteners in virtually everything even if it is sweeten with sugar is another case.  I read the label on "Swiss Miss Classic Milk Chocolate" and they have listed Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose as an ingredient.  I called ConAgra who is the producer, the lady was nice but she was not fully aware of the problems these ingredients could cause (for me they cause cardiac arrhythmia).  She was nice and sought to find products that did not have sugar and corn syrup (probably high fructose corn syrup) with artificial sweetener kick.
       There has been a large jump in chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and new inflammatory conditions unknown from times past.  Read the postings of Dr. Mercola ( and Food Democracy (, just to name a few sources of many.
     Now many would say "but the research says that all this is okay" (Genetically Modified Origin foods/products, new drugs, and use of artificial sweeteners just to name a few).  Well I tell you now note who is doing the research and what do they have to gain and who paid the bill for the research.  That will tell you a lot.  Many times we the consumers are the test subjects with out our permission and we pay (product recall is the end of experiment, too many test subjects have succumbed to side effects under estimated) when these products received F.D.A approval and are released to the market.
    These very wealthy companies do not have our best health at heart, only their big profits. I for one do not feel safe at all!  It will benefit us all to be informed and take nothing at face value or the government agency approved as validation of safety.  

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